Blogchatter A2Z 2019Food and RecipesHealth

Date the Delicious dates this summer #BlogchatterA2Z

Hello friends,

Temperatures have already started soaring in most part of the country. And one thing we all need is loading up on foods that are cooling as well as hydrating. While some foods are known to produce heat in the body, and Dates is one of them. It is usually consumed during winters. So, can we really eat dates in summers? Well, we can, but we should learn what is the best way to consume them? But first, let us look at some amazing health benefits of eating dates in summer and why it made it to #SuperFoodForHealthyYou!


Health benefits of eating Dates!

  1. Natural sweetness in dates makes it a perfect substitute for sugar and can be consumed as after workout snack or whenever you need an instant boost of energy.
  2. Dates also have high fibre content, which helps in better digestion and curing intestinal disorders
  3. With high iron content is beneficial for people suffering from anaemia and heart problems.
  4. Dates help in easing diarrhoea and many other related abdominal conditions.
  5. Dates are also helpful for a healthy weight gain in kids. They are known to be rich in several vitamins, fibres and minerals.
  6. This delicious fruit also contains calcium, iron, potassium, phosphorous, copper, magnesium, and manganese, all of which is super beneficial for our health.


Can You eat Dates In Summers?

According to my nutritionist from Fortis Hospital- It is fine to eat not more than two or three pieces of dates in summer. Considering dates produce a lot of heat, they are usually recommended as a winter’s food. But it is extremely beneficial for people suffering from extreme iron deficiency, to consume it.

However, moderation is the key, two to three pieces a day is ideal. And a balanced approach should be preferred while consuming dates. A couple of pieces if taken correctly is the best way to eat dates in summer.


The ideal way to eat Dates in Summers?

Dates have high iron content and therefore eating them with Vitamin C is the ideal way. As vitamin C helps in easy iron absorption, they both go well together and make an ideal and healthy combination.

eating dates in summers, juice

  1. The best way to eat dates is along with mausami juice. This creates a cold environment for digestion.
  2. Soaking dates for a few hours, before eating is also a good option. This helps reduce its ‘taasir ( the hot property of a food item).
  3. A combination of date and milk is well known since ages to fight against general weakness, virus and infections – superfood indeed.


 Some interesting ways to eat Dates in Summers

1. Date Shake

eating dates in summers, date bread, shake
The natural sweetness and creamy texture of dates make an excellent shake that will be really hard to resist in summers. All you need to do is, add some seedless dates (or remove the seeds) in the blender along with yoghurt/milk and blend it.

Remember not to add any sugar as dates will add up to the sweetness required. This way you would not be adding on extra calories while enjoying your flavoured milk or yoghurt.


2. Bake a bread

If you like soft and moist bread, you would love the DATE BREAD. Just chop or blend a handful of dates and mix it well in your bread dough. You may also add its goodness in cakes, cookies or and cupcakes too. 



This is my entry for letter ‘D’ in this one-month blogging challenge by Blogchatter #a2zChallenge. Stay tuned while I share some interesting and fun #SuperFoodforHealthyYou each day this month.

Thank you for reading!

Also share in your comments if you like the post, recipes or have any interesting facts to share about dates, I am all ears.

You may like to read all my post in this series here-

Amaranth- Don’t miss the Amaranth patties

Beetroot- Find some yummy beetroot brownie recipe here.

Coconut- Interesting non-bake Cupcake recipe.


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