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We suggest you read about us first and feel free to explore our site for various topics we cover. Please go through the below checklist and submit your article for guest posting on our site.
Here’s the process to Submit A guest post for us:
- The article needs to be unique and not shared/copied word to word on your/any other website.
- The article should be at least 500 words on a topic related to the focus area of the blog.
- We would request that you go through the website topics, to see if the topic is not repeating or overlapping with any existing posts on the blog site.
- The post needs to be English and grammatically correct, without any typos. Suggest a spell run check before submission.
- The language should be simple, easy, and interactive for people to understand.
- Any references need to be highlighted at the end.
- Submit your article in Doc/Docx format or as a text file, with images.
If you would like to write for us, send your article to tuggu.n.mommy@gmail.com
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