Food and RecipesToddler Life

Health Benefits of Millets: A Superfood for kids

Even though the Health benefits of Millets are well known, unfortunately, our current staple food grains majorly comprise of wheat or rice do not provide the much-needed nutrition for kids in their growing years. So, including different types of millet in everyday meals is an easy way to add variety along with nutrients to your child’s diet.

Why Millets?

We all know our grandparents lived long healthy lives as they ate well-rounded meals and maintained a lifestyle that kept them active. In those days, the environment was cleaner and more green as well. Today, we live a lifestyle with machines and gadgets to help us in our day-to-day activities. We are exposed to chemicals, pollution and tons of easy-to-order junk food. Though it might not be easy to change a lot of things, our eating habits are something we can improve. Especially for kids, eating nutritious food is very important. Moreover, incorporating healthy eating habits at a young age carries benefits in the long term as well.

I always had this in mind when I started the process of weaning off my son. To ensure wholesome nutrition, I gave him a variety of millet-based foods.

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What are Millets?

Millets are a superfood that has a long history of existence but somehow lost its importance due to a lack of awareness. These are small-seeded grasses grown just like cereal crops. There are different types of millet available that are rich in proteins, fibre, iron, calcium, phosphorous and other essential minerals. While most of us assume that it is a single variety of grain (i.e. Bajra), according to a report by the Indian Institute of Millet Research, there are over 500 varieties of millets within the main forms itself.

This Superfood Millet is broadly classified into two categories – Major millets and Minor Millets

Major Millets

These include Bajra (pearl millet) and Jowar (bajra).

I clearly remember those chilly winters when my grandmother used to feed us bajra rotis with homemade butter or ghee. We used to joke and call them ‘cement roti’ due to the colour and hard texture. However, jokes apart both Bajra and Jowar rotis are popular and consumed in most parts of the country in winters. Where Bajra is high in protein and energy content (around 5-6 times higher than wheat), Sorghum or Jowar has high unsaturated fats, and anti-oxidants and is also rich in minerals such as phosphorus, potassium, calcium and iron.

Minor Millets

Ragi (finger millet), Koda millet, Samwat (barnyard millet), Bhagar (little millet) and Kangani (foxtail millet) are all minor millets. There is a huge variety of Millets available that are so different from each other yet provide a host of nutrients for kids.

  • Ragi or Nachini (Finger Millet) is quite popular and well known for its high calcium and iron content. It makes a great first food for kids. I started feeding T, Ragi porridge for breakfast when he was 6 months old and it helped him a lot during teething. And now that he’s older, I make yummy ‘Whole wheat and Ragi ladoos’ for him. We recently also tried Slurrpfarm Millet cookies and he loved them too!
  • There is one more form of millet known as Sanwat or Barnyard millet or “sama” which is also called ‘fasting rice’ in northern parts of India. It looks like broken rice and is cooked similarly to upma or rice during the fasting season. It has the highest fibre and iron content of all millets. An important point to note is that it’s one of the easiest grains to digest. I made simple Sama Millet Khichdi and Sama Pulav with finely chopped seasonal vegetables for my son and he loved it. You may like to try out this Mixed-grain millet khichdi.
  • Bhagar or little millet has the highest fat content compared to all other millet and a good amount of protein. It comes in the form of rice, semolina and even flour that can be used as a base for dosa and idli batters as well.
  • Kangani or Foxtail millet has the highest mineral content among all types of millet. The protein available in them is not lost due to cooking and is considered even better than quinoa.

Each of these millets is nutritionally superior to our staple rice and wheat in terms of proteins, minerals and vitamins present in them. In addition, they are one of the most easily digestible and non-allergenic grains available today. Hence, they are the perfect nutritious value-add to your child’s diet.

Health Benefits of Millets for Kids:

  • Millets are very high in protein content and unlike quinoa, millets don’t lose protein while cooking. Hence, millets aid muscle growth and development in kids.
  • The smart carbohydrates in Millets have lots of fibre and very low simple sugars. Hence, they have a relatively low glycaemic index and produce lower blood sugar levels than wheat or rice. Hence, Millets are highly recommended to prevent the risk of obesity in kids.
  • Millets are highly rich in fibre, which keeps the colon hydrated and helps prevent constipation in children.
  • Millets are also found to be rich in magnesium that is essential for the proper neuro-muscular function of the body. It also helps in normal contraction of muscles and the formation of bones and teeth.
  • Niacin (vitamin B3) present in Millet helps to lower the cholesterol levels which contributes to reduced risk of heart diseases in the future.

Recipes With Millets for Kids

SlurpFarm Millet Dosa, Millet Dosa, Healthy Food, Millets
SlurpFarm Millet Dosa

I used SlurrpFarm Millet dosa mix here to make these fluffy Millet dosas last weekend and it was a complete hit in my house. My fussy toddler finished it up and even the adults loved them. The one I used above, has 5 superfoods Ragi, Red Rice, Oats, Suji and Urad Dal along with Beetroot. I loved the fact that it is made with no preservatives and no artificial flavours. So I am assured that I am feeding my son a healthy nutrition-packed meal in that small plate served with love.

Easy Healthy Millets recipes

You can even easily replace staple rice or wheat in your daily cooking with these healthy grains. Here are some easy and healthy Millet recipes suggestions to try out:

  • Porridges or khichdi cooked with Millet and different fruit/vegetables (finely chopped or pureed depending upon your kids age and taste).
  • Upma with toasted Millet and cooked with some finely chopped seasonal vegetables.
  • Millet Halwa with jaggery or fruit purees.
  • Dosa, idlis or uttapas with the batter made from Millet.
  • Biryani that I feel tastes best with Samvat grains .
  • Roti/Paratha with these healthy Millet and/or boiled vegetables.
  • Laddos or barfi using Millet instead of wheat or rice flours.
  • Millet or mixed grain khakras.

If you want to want to be a little adventurous, you may include Millets in baking as well. Try baking Millet cookies, breads, cakes or a brownies. There are endless possibilities to use this superfood Millet in your day to day cooking and add that extra nutrition in your child’s diet. I am sure they will happily slurrp it off the plate!


Keep exploring new healthy taste of Millets!



“This post is sponsored by SlurrpFarm and is meant to educate parents about the use and importance of millets for kids nutrition.”


22 thoughts on “Health Benefits of Millets: A Superfood for kids

  • Pingback: Quinoa- How I make Healthy Indian meal with it - Tuggu n Mommy

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  • Millet is again one of the best cereals for kids. Have not tried slurp farm yet though. Will surely give it a try once and make khichdi. Hope my Lil one likes it

  • indusrimal

    I have never tried millets ,but heard a lot about it …Gonna try n taste it as per ur recommendation

  • Dr.Amrita Basu

    I like slurrp farm.millet dosa a lot.Its very tasty and healthy.

  • rohinijames

    I have been using millets for a long time now. I am yet to try Slurp products but will give it a try after reading this post.

  • prismaroundgurjeet

    I have tried slurp farm biscuits they are too yummy,taste and healthy bite. It’s best way to feed a fussy eater baby healthy food

  • Udita Saklani

    All my childhood , I have had only millets , thanks to my paternal grandmother! However I am yet to try the millet khichdi with my little one! She loves Millet kheer though

  • indusrimal

    Wow I really nvr had any idea about millets …These are just so Healthy …I m really gonna include these in my kids food

  • ourlittleworld2016

    Love slurp farm products and Yes, ragi is one super food that must be included in the diet.

  • Pooja Kawatra Gupta

    Millets in all forms have so many health benefits and good for babies as well as for adults

  • This is a well researched post! I had no idea there were so many health benefits related to millets.

  • Shubhada Bhide

    I have never heard about this product. It looks really beneficial for kids.

  • This is a great post. I was never aware that this simple looking grain could bthis nutritious

  • Millets have such awesome health benefits. I have also started including millet in my baby’s diet.

  • alpanadeo

    Wow.. that’s a very useful post. I use Sawa chawal only during fasting. I will add this now to my little one’s food options. He likes Dalia(cracked wheat). So I am hoping if ai will make it salty then he will love it.

  • jhilmildsaha

    This is such an informative post. My daughter loves the pancakes I make with the slurrp farm mix. Its really good and nutritious.

  • Millet is imp in kid’s diet. Thanks for sharing the details of all Millet recipes.

  • Pingback: Healthy Millet Quinoa Dal Khichdi for kids - Tuggu n Mommy

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