Food and RecipesMotherhoodToddler Life

How I feed my fussy eater

Like all mothers of a fussy eater, the biggest struggle I face each day is to prepare and feed a healthy meal to my son. Believe it or not all kids of this generation are fussy eaters and mine is one of them. Though I try to offer him home-cooked food with all seasonal vegetables but let’s face the truth running after a toddler to make them eat is more frustrating than just being difficult.
They will eat when the food looks fancy or tastes super yummy. How long can we make our little fussy eater, eat the same boring dal, sabzi, roti, khichdi, halwa, kheer, dosa, idli etc. Give them variety, let them experience different cuisines and develop taste buds.

Trust me when I say that all kids are great observers, they always try to copy us. But when it comes to food some chemical locha always happen 😍😁. So sharing some tips on what all I have tried and worked on since T started solids:



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