Breastfeeding made easy
Hi Mommas,
Hope you are doing well!!
If you are a new mom and especially if a breastfeeding mom, you might have faced situations wherein you in middle of the road travelling, in a mall shopping, visiting a friend at a cafe, a park, a wedding or any public place and your baby suddenly started getting cranky demanding for milk. Though a lot of public places like malls, hospitals and airports have started having a dedicated room for feeding moms, still there could be places where you could not find a place to feed your baby. An exclusive breastfeeding mother like me can’t resist but feed the baby on the go. I have never thought twice and just gave my baby what he wants. You know how with Babywearing.
No, I don’t like to sit down at one place covering us with a big piece of shawl or a nursing cover. No, I don’t like to flash my sanity as well. But sitting down at one place is not my way of looking at it. With an energetic toddler, willing to explore everything new, it gets too difficult at times. To go out with the list of “To-Do list” and come back with all ticks. So I prefer Feeding my hungry, cranky, teething baby on demand- whenever and wherever he wants. And that’s possible with my Soul Slings Full buckle. Read my detailed review here.
How we have fed?
I have fed Tuggu while on the way in our car, in a mall while trying to shop, at the airport while waiting to get the security check, while our evening trolls and where not.
When I started my babywearing journey Tuggu was a little more than a month young. And I frankly I wasn’t aware of other super benefits of Babywearing. I thought it was just to help me wear my baby up close. but later my love for babywearing took me to join various groups with like-minded people. And there I got to learn about the importance of good ergonomic baby carriers. Read here why I chose to still wear my toddler in Soul Slings.
Breastfeeding and babywearing
One of the important aspects of babywearing is Breastfeeding gets easy and hassle-free. Yes, you read it right, you can ‘Breastfeed on the Go’ and enjoy your ‘Out Time’ as well which is not very often for a new mom. Breastfeeding and babywearing just go hand in hand.
So whenever we travel, I just ensured that I carry my Soul carrier and wear something which is feeding friendly and that’s it.
If you are confused and still thinking- Will that be easy?
Will I be able to do it? or how you can do that? Then the answer is – Yes it easy and Yes you can do that.
Breastfeeding and babywearing are super easy as they can ever be. You can do it while still wearing your baby. And you don’t need any extra cover/shawl, just use the hood of the full buckle or the tail of the ring sling or wraps.
Just Remember, it’s not a Rocket Science, its just a skill which you can learn easily. Watch this tutorial to know exactly how you can do it. There are multiple other videos available on YouTube to assist you. you may also search by type of your soul carrier as well.
The important thing to remember while babywearing and breastfeeding
- wearing a breastfeeding friendly top/dress like a front open button-up shirt or your maternity wear. Basically, something which you can undo and updo easily.
- It may be possible that your baby isn’t open to get fed in there upright, just keep your baby engaged and keep him upright, hold with your hands as if cuddled in your lap.
- Encourage your baby with some kisses and hugs, well that’s not something we all love. Baby hugs and kisses <3.
Hope you have a wonderful babywearing and breastfeeding journey. Though it is recommended to exclusive breastfeed your baby for at least up to six months, there are times when a mother isn’t able to feed due to medical or any other reason, but that doesn’t make you less of a mom. You may still feed your baby, try bottle feeding in your Soul carrier. I recently saw a friend doing it and I loved it totally.
I am sure you would love how babywearing can make things super easy, keeping hands-free for you to multi-task and be a SUPER MOM.
Do let me know in comments in case you have any questions, would be glad to help you out. Please note that I am not a babywearing expert, I am just a mom who is passionate about babywearing and loves to read, talk and spread babywearing love. I will try my best to help you out
Till then,
Take care
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I have breastfed my kids until the age of 2 years and I used to breastfeed in public as well. Out here there are good nursing rooms making it easy.
Babywearing is quite comforting for the baby as well as the mom and BFing is quite easy in it.
Breastfeeding is so important. Soulsling helps mommies to do BF in the comfortable way. Great to know about it.
That’s really so thoughtful of the makers. This option is a boon for all the baby carrier moms out there!!!
Nursing on the go is really an added benefit of baby wearing.This will help many new mothers make a choice.
Baby wearing helps in breastfeeding too? That’s great. I have passes that stage but I am sure new moms will definitely find it helpful in public places.
Babywearing has made parenting so easy. Walking while breastfeeding your baby is just one of its benefits. I’m a Babywearing mother myself and I really feel your post will help a lot of mothers.
I never thought that baby carriers can be useful for breastfeeding. Thanks for sharing such an useful insight.
Nursing in a full buckle carrier is something great! Gives us as well as the baby the freedom to move rather than sitting awkwardly in a corner!
Soul carriers are really helpful for breastfeeding mommies. Also bonding with babies is absolutely great.
These baby wear looks amazing for the mother and the kid as well.. I guess it’s a must havefor all the new mothers..
I bought baby wearing but I was not that much comfortable. Still I feel its good to use babywearing always
i agreed with you. moms like me cant see baby crying. I too use to sit anywhere to feed my baby but soul sling bag has done such a great job for mom and babies , the solution for our problem
Soul slings offers some best baby carriers which are comfortable and sturdy enough.
Soul baby carriers have been generating demand, they’re super comfy and yes nothing can be better than the bonding with babies .
baby wearing is good always and its true that it makes breastfeeding easy also.
Thanks for your post dear.
This new baby wear will definitely gonna help every infant’s mom , and you have written the description of it in a very nice way
I love that now there are so many thoughtful products out in the market for new moms. This has got to be conceptualized by someone who has faced the problem of being able to feed your baby in public. Nursing is a natural act and thankfully with products like it this it can be carried out without concern
That’s a very thoughtful post for mommies. I am sure many would be benefited.
Thank you.. glad you like it
As a first time mommy I’ve been trying to strictly breastfeed for awhile but don’t produce enough to keep my little man happy. He was a big boy when he was born at 9 and a half pounds and currently weighs just under 11 pounds. Breastfeeding is tricky to do in public and I can’t stand pumping because I don’t express nearly as much as I do when I feed him directly. I will definitely look into buying one of these! Thank you.
Hi Sylviisaurus, glad you like it. Thanks!!
It is very essential for every baby to be breastfed until 1-1.5yrs. These new baby-wears look very good and also seems like the baby is very comfortable.